Nomad Specs.



Crouch, Jim & Alanna





I purchased the Nomad in 1970, two weeks before the beginning of my senior year in high school.  I followed up on an old ad from the Spokane paper and called on it one year later.  The Nomad was in original tired condition.  The original asking price was $1,100 in the ad; but by waiting a year, I was able to get it for $495.00.  To purchase this car, I had to borrow $200 from my dad, Wayne Crouch.  I joined the National Nomad Club in 1971 (#621).  My first convention was in 1973 in Reno, Nevada.  I dated my high school sweetheart in this car, and we drove away from our wedding in the ’57.  Every step of the way working on or restoring the ’57, I have made great friends that have added to my life.  The restoration was completed in time for the 2000 Nomad convention in Spokane, Washington.  This car has brought many years of fun and friendship.  Because of this car, we have met many wonderful people in the Chevrolet Nomad Association car club.  How would I have known that an old Chevy would play such as important role in my life?  I value the friendships and memories we have made with the Chevy as the common thread.  I wouldn’t trade or sell it as I know there are many more memories and friendships to be made.